Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. he-lux elastic  elastic ep  
 2. Tripping Daisy I Got a Girl  I Am an Elastic Firecracker   
 3. Anthony Manning Elastic Variations 2  Elastic Variations  
 4. Anthony Manning Elastic Variations 5  Elastic Variations  
 5. Anthony Manning Elastic Variations 4  Elastic Variations  
 6. Anthony Manning Elastic Variations 3  Elastic Variations  
 7. Tripping Daisy Step Behind  I Am An Elastic Firecracker    
 8. Tripping Daisy 09 - Prick  I Am an Elastic Firecracker  
 9. Front Design Sketch Furniture, 2005  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 10. King, James Dressing the Meat of Tomorrow, 2006  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 11. Hoberman Associates, Inc. Emergent Surface, 2007  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 12. Frankfurt, Peter, Greg Lynn, and Alex McDowell New City, 2008  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 13. Galison, Peter; Antonelli, Paola; Markham, Henry MIND Design Science  Think Modern: Special Exhibitions Programs: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 14. Dunne & Raby Technological Dreams Series: no 1, Robots, 2007  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 15. senseable city laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology New York Talk Exchange, 2008  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
 16. Biomechatronics Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis, 2005-07  MoMA Audio: Special Exhibitions: Design and the Elastic Mind  
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